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Imardin is a city of dark intrigues and deadly politics, where those who wield magic wield power. Into this established order has blundered a young street-girl with extraordinary magical gifts. Adopted by the Magicians' Guild, her life is changed forever - but for better or for worse?


Sonea knew that she'd face a tough time training within the Magicians' Guild but she little realised the level of animosity she would face from her fellow novices. The sons and daughters of the most powerful families in the realm, her classmates seem determined to see her fail - at whatever cost. But in accepting the protection of the guild's high lord, Sonea may have embraced an even bleaker fate. For High Lord Akkarin harbours a secret that is far darker than his magician's robes.



  • Publisher: Little, Brown Book Group 

    ISBN: 9781841499611 

    Number of pages: 592 

    Weight: 405 g 

    Dimensions: 196 x 130 x 37 mm



  • The Magicians' Guild

    The Novice

    The High Lord

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