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Mars is a desolate world. Largely forgotten by Earth, the planet remains helpless in the stranglehold of Arnie Kott, who as boss of the plumber's union has a monopoly over the vital water supply.


Arnie Kott is obsessed by the past; the native Bleekmen, poverty-stricken wanderers, can see into the future; while to Manfred, an autistic boy, time apparently stops. When one of the colonists, Norbert Steiner, commits suicide, the repercussions are startling and bizarre.

Martian Time-Slip (PHILIP K. DICK)

  • Publisher: Orion Publishing Co 

    ISBN: 9781857988376 

    Number of pages: 240 

    Weight: 216 g 

    Dimensions: 198 x 133 x 19 mm



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