Seventy-five years from today, the human race has been cast from a dying Earth to wander the stars in a vast fleet of arks-each shaped by its inhabitants into a diverse and fascinating new environment, with its own rules and eccentricities.
When her sister disappears while responding to a mysterious alien distress call, Eryn insists on being part of the crew sent to look for her. What she discovers on Candidate-623 is both terrifying and deadly.
When the threat follows her back to the fleet and people start dying, she is tasked with seeking out a legendary recluse who may just hold the key to humanity's survival.
Stars And Bones Book 1
Stars And Bones (Gareth L. Powell)
Publisher: Titan Books Ltd
ISBN: 9781789094282
Number of pages: 400Weight: 260g
Dimensions: 198 x 130 mmPaperback
Signed Bookplate Edition